Email Marketing Best Practices – Part 1
Over the years Chocolate Dog has used many different platforms to deliver emails for our clients - ExactTarget, Mailchimp, Constant Contact, etc. Like most marketing decisions, it doesn't come down to the platform or the tool, it's the content that's the most...
Email Marketing – the new Pagemaker?
Like many industries, we've been down this road before. A new technology arrives and everyone runs to get on the bandwagon. Back in the 1990's, it was the introduction of desktop publishing and programs like Adobe Pagemaker. Companies reduced the staff in their...
Benefits of a Landing Page
Why should I have a landing page if I already have a website? We hear this question a lot – “I have a website, so why would I need a landing page?” Normally, your website contains a lot of general information about your company, product or service. So think of a...
We’re Responsive… Why Aren’t You?
Even if you know very little about web design or development, more than likely you have experienced a responsive website over the past few years. In this post, I am going to briefly explain responsive web design and why it should be important to you and your business....